Overcoming the ‘Testing’ Barrier

Testing and adding the final touches to an application often presents as quite a  challenge for the application development team. Getting it to the finishing line means creating a product you are completely satisfied with and that in itself is a herculean task. Encountering too many roadblocks? Here are some strategies you can adopt while testing your app to ensure the its speedy completion and release.

Testing is not just about finding bugs. Your testing team essentially represents your target customers. How they react, use and like your application should give  you a fair idea about what to expect from the market. Testing should encompass issues like usability, maintainability and viability. Involving a group of your target audience while testing will also help you get a feel of the market.

The final stages of application development is extremely important to build a good application. To make sure you do not miss out on testing any aspect of the application, you should plan the testing process well. Your testing strategy should follow a bottom up approach. Unit tests should be performed on each atomic component of your application, followed by an integration test to ensure all components work well together and only in the end, should you perform the functional test for testing the functionality of your application.

Today development teams are slowly shifting towards automated testing. Through this, the same tests can be performed under the same conditions with different data and the obtained results can be compared with the expected ones. This type of testing reduces the time and money spent on debugging, improves accuracy and broadens the test coverage. It is an effective and economical way to go about debugging your code.