Busting Popular Myths about Enterprise Application Development


Entrepreneurs and business owners have always looked upon mobility with suspicion. Surveys show them citing various reasons for this, ranging from security concerns to fear of over-complicating simple business procedures. But let us get real. The industry and your market are not going to wait for you to shed these inhibitions. Your customers will demand absolute perfection and will not hesitate to abandon you, should you fail to provide it. I am not going to go in to why you should enter mobility, because for one I have already discussed this in detail previously, but more importantly because you already know why mobility is the best direction to take your enterprise to move in. The industry is full of standing examples of how mobilization can change the face of a business. So instead, in this column, we will work on busting popular myths that are keeping you from entering mobility.

Mobility Complicates Things

 People often think that mobility is bulky and complicated. Enterprise app development is actually just like any other kind of application development. It has come  a long way since it first found its application in industries. The solutions it provides are agile, easy to use and economic. 

Looks are all that matter

To get a great rating on the App Store, as an enterprise application developer you do not need to concentrate too much on the visual aspect. The functionality is king here. How easy it is to use and how much of its functionality is relevant in the industry today are the more important issues. Similarly for your enterprise, while choosing an app don’t get bowled over by its appearance, instead look further into the more important criteria.

 Data First, Development  Next

You do not have to be ready with all the data before you start application development. Work on how you want to store, manage and manipulate data, the user interface and then you can finally worry about the information.

Mobility Jeopardizes Data

It is a huge misconception that mobilization of your enterprise would make your information susceptible to misuse. A well created application will actually achieve the opposite, protecting your information and detecting vulnerabilities in your system. 

Agility is not always the answer v

While it is important to keep up with the current trends in the industry, too much agility is also a problem. Stick to what works good you. Keep it simply, silly.  

In today’s growing industry, app development has seen phenomenal improvement. Building a custom enterprise application is cheaper and a lot more feasible than ever before. Contact the best application developers in the industry to help you entry mobility with a bang.